Thursday, July 7, 2011

Celestria News

OK, so I lied. Not posting as often as I said I would. But hey, at least it's only been about 8 mos instead of 9 months since my last post so I'm improving! I'm still healthy and feeling good. I've found that I don't seem to regulate my temperature too well anymore. I get COLD really easy. I was still wearing two jackets and gloves into May on my walks. SO far I'm liking the warmer weather as long as it doesn't go past 90 - LOL!

On the art front: Have been working on a Border Collie puppy series this year. Many thanks to my BC friends who let me use their puppies as models! Trying to get some things done so I can have stuff ready for a vendor booth at the BCSA nationals. Here are some of the puppy pieces I've done so far:

On the Border Collie front I took Gracie to her first show for 2011 the first weekend in June at the Gridley, CA show. Wettest, soggiest weekend EVER! I'm a fair weather showing type of girl so pouring rain wasn't my idea of a good time. However, Gracie went BOB on the first day for a 3 point major. Judge had great things to say about her including that she thought that she had good substance, her movement was flawless - no wasted motion. Yes! That's what I want to hear!!! Nothing the second day and then went RWB to her sister Sadie on the third day. Also took along my blue-eyed, striped butt boy Kael and showed him for the first time. I was pleasantly surprised that all three judges I showed to gave him RWD. Two judges I think would have liked to have given him WD, but I think him having two blue eyes and the striped butt was a little more than they could deal with - LOL! He showed very nicely for me so I was happy.

Kael (Celestria's Warrior O'Tonalee, PT by CH X-mas Cracker at Clan-Abby x CH Tonalee's Hiland Hope, PT, FDCH) is also now a daddy! He was bred to Pam Hartman's lovely blue merle girl GCH Fallon's Silver Phantom. Lovely litter with 5 girls and one boy. 1 black & white girl (looks just like her grandma Laura), 1 stunning blue & white girl, 3 blue merle girls and 1 blue merle boy. All puppies are doing great in their new homes. The blue girl, Xena, is being kept at Fallon Border Collies as a show prospect and should make her show debut in October. Isn't she just the prettiest little thing?

Can't wait to see this grandpuppy grow up!

I'll probably show at the Dixon show in August and then we'll be off to the BCSA national in September.

Also, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Sandy Bohr with Mariah (CH Celestria HiTop's Wind Song) who got her HSAs a couple of weekends ago with THREE (count em!) THREE HIT's!!! Also Congrats to Maryln Fiscus with Concho (CH Celestria Caliente's Concho) who went RHIT to his sister on two days of the trial and also got his HSAs. Plus, Jayme Martinez got the only qualifying duck run on the first day with Kestra (Celestria's Kestra O'Tonalee - who has too many titles to list!). Very proud of all of our furkids who are excelling in the herding trials - way to go!!!