Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Easiest Way

It seems like blogging is the easiest way to keep friends and family updated. Everyone seems to have a blog, so I decided to finally cave and join the flow.

Since I have no idea when I'll get around to actually getting a regular website created for my art work, a blog seems like the best way to easily share updates on new art work and on the Celestria family of Border Collies with friends and family :)

So on with the first updates!

On the art front: My hubby has finally got the texture on the walls of my art studio and the electric is connected. Now all we need to do is paint, lay down linoleum, put the lighting fixtures in and move in the furniture and art supplies. It's almost done (after nearly 2 1/2 yrs.)!

I just recently finished a 9 x 12 colored pencil piece on Canson Mi-Tientes paper titled Celtic Wings & Ivy. I wanted to do a piece with a moth or butterfly for a REALLY long time. This one features an Atlas Moth sitting on a circle of Celtic knotwork and ivy. You can go to or to to see a larger view. As with all of my work - if you are interested in a print, please contact me directly.

Other than that I'm still busily trying to catch up on commissioned pieces!

Celestria Border Collie News: One of the boys I bred and co-own, CH Celestria Caliente's Concho (call name Concho) has been doing extremely well in the ring lately. He's finally matured & filled out and is looking really nice out there. His most recent wins include two Best of Breeds and a Group 4 placement at the Golden Gate Kennel Club show at the Cow Palace. I'm so excited and happy for his owner, Maryln Fiscus, and his handler, Sandy Bohr, that he is doing so well!

We are getting three ewes for the pasture next door. They are retired foundation breeding ewes from a friend's flock and will just be pets, but we are excited to get them. That pasture takes a LONG time to mow so we are looking forward to their help!

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